People, I'm freaking out that it's already September! Anybody else feeling the same way?
Don't get me wrong, I'm so very glad September's here and that fall is soon to come. I'm practically lusting for an autumn breeze and a change of color in the leaves. I even had to stop and photo this leaf last week when I was mowing the yard, the colors of it thrilled me so much.
In fact, in celebration of autumn's approach, I've been making batches of
Mulled Cider and
Pumpkin Pie candles for wholesale orders and the
Harmony Farm Candles Etsy shop. Sniff either of these and I guarantee you'll be yearning to dig out a cozy sweater, feel a nip in the air, and hold a warm mug in yours hand. :)
But I swear, I blinked and the month of August came and went.
Really, I shouldn't be surprised the month went by so quickly. We spent a week at the beach with my husband's family, then celebrated both of my parents' birthdays upon returning home.
School also started last week and my one and only baby is now a kindergartener!
Though neither he nor I boo-hoo'd, or did anything even remotely close to that, on the first day, it surprises me how seeing him off the subsequent mornings in the car rider line snags a part of my heart. Watching him walk into the building after a perfunctory adieu (Me: "Buddy, I love you! Have a good day!" Him: "Gotta go, Mom!"), just one little person in a sea of many, makes me want to snatch him back and keep him for myself just a little while longer. But he's happy in elementary school, doesn't seem to have missed a beat in the transition, and so goes the growing up of a child.
With the new-found free time that comes with not having a kid at home for seven hours a day, I've been slaving in the perpetual and disgusting heat and humidity to finish prepping the beds around the house for landscaping in the coming weeks. We had beds installed in early June, and it only took me two months to put down the landscape fabric (after weeding the beds close to half a dozen times--you'd think I'd learn!)
P.S.--Did you know they make these magical things called landscape staples?
You insert them through the landscape fabric and into the ground, thus securing said landscape fabric in place. Well, I didn't the first time I laid out and cut the landscape fabric. Only after laying tree limbs, random garden instruments,
chicken-feeders-cum-flower-planters, and old fence posts (while thinking "there must be a better way!"), did I realize these babies existed. But of course, this realization also only occurred after a windstorm blew away and/or twisted the fabric so I essentially had to repeat all my original work before I could use the staples.
Moving on...
So, the plan is to get most of the shrubbery by next weekend from a local wholesale nursery, and in the meantime, order a few roses by mail from the
Antique Rose Emporium. Once the plants are here, we (hopefully my husband) will lay a drip irrigation system, I'll get the plants in the ground, mulch, and come spring there will be much loveliness happening.
I must be a glutton for manual labor because I also spent a good bit of time in the last part of August cleaning out the remains of the summer garden and readying the beds for a fall/winter garden.
The beds that currently house seedlings are spiffed up with this kitschy wire edging that makes me want to do jumpy claps every time I see it. I'm totally thinking I should paint the raised beds...too much?
Though this embellishment is definitely for looks, it also serves a purpose as I try to keep the
bloody-free-ranging-fowl-that-think-they-can-eat-whatever-they-please-and-poop-wherever-they-want chickens out of the garden beds.
They totally munched the Romaine lettuce, spinach, and broccoli seedlings to nubbins a few days back. Needless to say, the hens are locked in their pen until further notice and I'm ignoring the shade they keep throwing my way.
Someone please tell me the poor little seedlings will survive such ravaging? This one was originally three times this size! |
So, that's where I am in the first week of September. After all the recent gardening, I'm looking forward this week to thinking about (nay, even doing, perhaps?) some fall crafts and decorating. And if this heat ever breaks, there are several pieces of furniture calling my name, just begging to be refreshed.
What are your plans in the coming weeks?
Happy Labor Day!